Care for Haringey’s Air - impact of pollution and what can be done
about it. Haringey Council are holding two community workshops and a
Public meeting to engage with residents and others to raise awareness
and provide information on air quality issues in Haringey. We will
set out actions currently underway to improve air quality in the
borough and identify, in discussion with the community, ideas and
potential actions that could be included in an updated Air Quality
Action Plan, thus encouraging a collective approach to tackling poor
air quality and reducing pollutant emissions in the borough. The
Public Meeting will also be an opportunity to find out more about air
quality in the borough and learn about the actions being carried out
by both Haringey and the GLA. Using the feedback from the community
and internal workshops the council will present potential measures
that could be included in its new plan. It is a chance for you to
provide your opinions on the proposed measures in the emerging
revision to the Air Quality Action Plan.
Air Quality Community workshop Wednesday 8th March 17:15- 19:00
Tottenham Living room 639 High Road Tottenham N17 8AA
Air Quality Public meeting Thursday 9th March 17:15- 19:00
Committee Room 8, 3rd Floor, Civic Centre High Road, London, N22
Harringey Council are holding some public meetings about plans to tackle Air Quality in the borough. Last one tonight.
If you can't make the meeting - maybe consider signing this Friends of The Earth petition