They're all cheap gas pipe steel from what I can see, not aluminium. They'll be fine but the parts aren't great. I'd straight away change the bottom bracket and headset. A friend had a similar bike though not Goku and both of the above stripped/were shit.
If it were my money, I'd build a 70s/80s road frame conversion. Quality parts that aren't new but the same price and you know aren't going to be made of cheese. Just my 2p.
They're all cheap gas pipe steel from what I can see, not aluminium. They'll be fine but the parts aren't great. I'd straight away change the bottom bracket and headset. A friend had a similar bike though not Goku and both of the above stripped/were shit.
If it were my money, I'd build a 70s/80s road frame conversion. Quality parts that aren't new but the same price and you know aren't going to be made of cheese. Just my 2p.