Here we go again off topic with the "anti-fascists are just as bad as fascists" rhetoric.
Quick reminder:
People who fascists hate and actively wish to remove from society by any means necessary:
Black people, asians, middle easterners, anyone of an ethnic group who isn't white basically.
A lot of people from ethnic groups that are white. Eastern europeans, mediteranians, south and central americans, Irish, Italians, gypsies, whatever is not white enough that year etc.
Jewish people.
Often actually anyone who isn't Christian.
Homosexual and basically anyone not 100% straight.
Transgender and non binary people.
Non-submissive women.
People who don't have fascist political views.
People who DO have fascist political views but don't 100% align with theirs.
The homeless.
The mentally ill.
The disabled.
Artists, Musicians who express themselves in ways not for the benefit of fascism or are deemed 'degenerate'.
And many, many more.
People who anti-fascists hate and actively wish to remove from society by any means necessary:
Here we go again off topic with the "anti-fascists are just as bad as fascists" rhetoric.
Quick reminder:
People who fascists hate and actively wish to remove from society by any means necessary:
People who anti-fascists hate and actively wish to remove from society by any means necessary:
Happy to help.