Have been drinking a fair amount of lovely hoppy, deep, strong, flavoursome "craft" beer recently. I really enjoy it. But today during a mammoth gardening session, in the wind and the drizzle, I got a craving for a good old fashioned pint of English Ale. Such a delight to tuck into a pint of Butty Bach this evening. You understand why we've brewed what we traditional brew after a day like today.
Have been drinking a fair amount of lovely hoppy, deep, strong, flavoursome "craft" beer recently. I really enjoy it. But today during a mammoth gardening session, in the wind and the drizzle, I got a craving for a good old fashioned pint of English Ale. Such a delight to tuck into a pint of Butty Bach this evening. You understand why we've brewed what we traditional brew after a day like today.