Received yesterday - I'll get a photo up later when home from work.
It's essentially made up of 2 parts; a small screw-on adapter that screws directly onto the valve core and a J-bend valve which then screws onto the adapter. So once you have screwed on both parts, there's no way it'll come loose...unless you strip the threads.
Looks neat and I'll give it a go later
So it's not so different to my makeshift solution I'm using already? After posting the other day I managed to get all the tubes inflated, but it was so damn fiddly the smaller cavity on the trispoke.
This was the Presta/Schrader adapter from a Lidl milk can, plus 90ยบ bend from local bike shop. Total cost was less than a fiver I think. Was hoping the one from TT forum would be a little more....more. Main issue for me is that it's Schrader on the backside.
My russian four-spoke and pair of discs are all flat for the same reason. Tried and failed with a 90 degree. Interested to see what the adapter @Pifko is buying will be like.