Nearly got taken out by a van doing a three point turn - partially my fault.
For some reason when I saw the van reversing I thought "he's reversing into that side street" and then "he's out of my way, I'm going round the front of him".
Then he hit first and went forward / right whilst still looking in the other direction.
I shouted and he stopped; I felt like a bit of a dick. Could have / should have waited.
Nearly got taken out by a van doing a three point turn - partially my fault.
For some reason when I saw the van reversing I thought "he's reversing into that side street" and then "he's out of my way, I'm going round the front of him".
Then he hit first and went forward / right whilst still looking in the other direction.
I shouted and he stopped; I felt like a bit of a dick. Could have / should have waited.