I've not used it for cycling but it happily copes with wandering around for a full day, I think there is some low power mode to extend that but I've never explored it.
The software is shit, once you get it set up though all I use that for is extracting a GPX track which is easy enough.
I use one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Canmore-GT-730FL-Rechargeable-Waypoints-Compatible/dp/B004BBD1QE for GPS tracks for photographs. Is about the size of a large USB flash drive.
I've not used it for cycling but it happily copes with wandering around for a full day, I think there is some low power mode to extend that but I've never explored it.
The software is shit, once you get it set up though all I use that for is extracting a GPX track which is easy enough.