• #16652
I don't wear glasses, pink or otherwise
• #16653
I have a right turn every night where I am sitting in a very vulnerable spot in the middle of a junction that has two lanes merging into one in each direction where speeding is the norm. Immediately before my green is a pedestrian phase so once that clears I'm off, slowly.
Northbound A112 right onto A110
Kings Head Hill
• #16654
get off and slain it until safe?
• #16655
I always thought reformed RLJers are worse than reformed smokers for sanctimonious outbursts, well done for confirming.
• #16656
Take the previous right and rejoin the A110 further up so you don't have to break the law to feel safe?
There's no "outburst". We're having a discussion whereby we're voicing our individual opinions. The way adults do, you know?
• #16657
Was just about to make similar comment!
Live life as you will while minimising your negative impact on others, if that means taking an empty crossing then fair enough.
• #16658
I only RLJ when I'm running late
• #16659
You've got me all wrong boys, frankly I don't give a shit if you ride off into the sunset through red lights as far as the eye can see. I just enjoy a debate and it's interesting to see people's justifications.
I'm on the road every day, I've never called anyone out for RLJing. Can't we all just get along. -
• #16661
till your mid-50s?
• #16662
That would entail a left onto the A110 followed by a right off it. As that road comes out further up than I need to go. It's also a rat run with speeding idiots trying to avoid the junction.
Your response also assumes I'm a stupid person who hasn't already looked at the alternatives. The only one is to slain it but fuck dat. -
• #16663
I don't think you're stupid Ramsaye, I was just trying to offer an alternative
• #16664
Cold, yeah. Two pairs of gloves again today...
• #16665
I don't think he is stupid either.
I KNOW he is stupid.
• #16666
Not only do you rlj but you claim ownership of the daemon that I unleashed. No fucking respect. Now that I'm proper grumpy I'll switch to the 60+ thread.
• #16667
Why can't we all just be trusted to break particular rules when we feel it is safe?
• #16668
I'll tell my kids that too.
'When the man on the bicycle decides it's safe you don't have to worry.'
'Which man on the bicycle Dad?'
• #16669
Just tell your children to treat cyclists as they would motorists. Done.
• #16670
Just tell your children to treat cyclists as they would motorists. Done.
and motorists as they would cyclists? "It looks safe to run this red in my truck..."
• #16671
He says, with his sanctimonious outburst.
• #16672
Nearly got taken out by a van doing a three point turn - partially my fault.
For some reason when I saw the van reversing I thought "he's reversing into that side street" and then "he's out of my way, I'm going round the front of him".
Then he hit first and went forward / right whilst still looking in the other direction.
I shouted and he stopped; I felt like a bit of a dick. Could have / should have waited.
• #16673
Hmmmm. Dont be hard on yourself. Happens.....
• #16674
Bit chilly this morning eh?
• #16675
Warmer than yesterday.
Poorly designed yes. Never have I come across a red light where I've thought "I'm in danger by obeying the law here" If there's no ASL, take primary behind traffic.