makes it slightly easier .. roll the 26" x2 6"x 10" (or 12") case/bag to station, take train to work in peak hour, roll the bag to work, take the tube after work to Heathrow in peak(ish) hour .. plus airlines wont charge ever and you can pack all your stuff in it like a normal bag. Have you taken internal flights in India? S&S costs £500 max and pays for itself in couple of trips IMO. If I had to lug a full bike I wouldn't have for me 2 out of 3 trips this year.
Makes sense, no? Unless you are anti-cycling.
To put the whole project in perspective, I will struggle to cross the £1600 mark on the whole build. The reason I have kept it relatively cheap is because the whole idea started as an ultra cheap bike to leave back home in India so I dont have to carry anything which escalated to a 'travel bike'. Still a very MVP.
plus airlines wont charge ever and you can pack all your stuff in it like a normal bag.
Selected airline won't charge you for sport equipment.
British Airway for instance, sometime work out cheaper than other plus sport equipment charge.
Virgin Altantic to America also don't charge for sport equipment, so a full size bike plus clothes in it, and a backpack sufficient for 3 weeks.
FWIW I don't understand why S+S is a thing when there are readily available carrying cases for normal bikes.
Please educate me.