Today I did my usual loop from Greenwich out to Biggin Hill / Downe and back.
Was a bit humbled on Jail Lane to realise that the Hell of the Ashdown was on, and yet again I wasn't in it.
On the way back I stopped for some food at the Pizza place in between Lee and Blackheath - Luciano Pizza.
It really is very good - ideal for a quick post-ride refuel.
More to the point, if it was in Stoke Newington, there would be a line of Hipsters queuing round the block, instagramming the shit out of the place. But as it is in Lee, I was the only customer the whole time I was there. Come on South-East Londoners, eat up.
Today I did my usual loop from Greenwich out to Biggin Hill / Downe and back.
Was a bit humbled on Jail Lane to realise that the Hell of the Ashdown was on, and yet again I wasn't in it.
On the way back I stopped for some food at the Pizza place in between Lee and Blackheath - Luciano Pizza.
It really is very good - ideal for a quick post-ride refuel.
More to the point, if it was in Stoke Newington, there would be a line of Hipsters queuing round the block, instagramming the shit out of the place. But as it is in Lee, I was the only customer the whole time I was there. Come on South-East Londoners, eat up.