Insightful piece in the New European by Bonny Greer about how the US press, even the right wing press that were pro Trump, seem to changing in how they're reporting about Trumps presidency and despite a view that his election represents 'The will of the people', they are calling him out...
This in contrast to the UK press reporting on Brexit which as its The will of the people, any brexit dissenters are considered traitors and remainers, public enemies.
Insightful piece in the New European by Bonny Greer about how the US press, even the right wing press that were pro Trump, seem to changing in how they're reporting about Trumps presidency and despite a view that his election represents 'The will of the people', they are calling him out...
This in contrast to the UK press reporting on Brexit which as its The will of the people, any brexit dissenters are considered traitors and remainers, public enemies.
She asks what the British press is for.