Is that still good if its at the expence of messing up the metabolism and starting a cycle of yo-yo dietting?
If people get their heads around a balanced nutrition diet then long term it's sustainable and no longer a diet but sensible eating. Short term cut down portion size below your bodys requirement and your going to loose weight. Once your at your goal weight, slightly increase the portion size to where your weight is stable. A bit of willpower to prevent portion size creep 😣
If fats are such a good part of a weight loss diet plan, sometimes makeing up 1/3 or much more of your daily calorie allowance at the expence of carbs. How come your carrying several stone of fat about without your body being an absolute power house?
Hopefully getting people to think and question the likes of Atkins diets and LCHF.
Your right, it is and we are all carrying a shed load of it. Even at 10%BF that's 7kg for me which is 63,000 calories of stored energy.
Whilst dietting for weight loss, stop think of fat as a fuel as you have plenty of it. Think of it as a nutrient carrier. You only need the fatty acids and vitamins contained in the fat, not the fuck tonne of calories... and you don't need masses to get those vitamins and acids 🤔