You total weights are 56, so the maximum score is 560. Just multiply the score by the weight for each cell, sum the products and divide by 5.6 to get a percentage. In the cell representing the eventual percentage for row 6, you want
I've got a similar sheet which weights various columns differently, and I put the weights in a row above the data so that I can adjust them easily, if you do that you need to change the weighting numbers to absolute references to the cells containing the weights, and you need to change "56" to a reference to the cell containing the sum of the weights
So I'm trying to create a sheet in Google which scores and ranks some software I'm testing.
Each software brand is a row. There are 9 brands to trial.
Each column is a function. There are 8 functions to review.
I want to score each column out of 10 (1 = low, 10 = high)
I want to add different values to each column. (i.e. some columns are 'worth' more than others).
How can I create a function or formula that offers a percentage score based on weighted column scores?
After all the gumpf the first row of software is '6' and the column attributes start at Column D which is weighted 8 out of 10.
Other column weights:
Never used Google Sheets so can't see any obvious solutions in the list of functions. Any takers that can explain it to me?