What is it you are trying to rehab ? I hear people say "glute activation " and it's become a bit of a buzz term, but if you are trying to learn to use your glutes effectively and at the right time in say the squat or deadlift you can do a series of simple drills in an unloaded and less demanding position .
Is your motivation lacking cause you are trying to do too much ? Mobility does not need to be complicated and the more gimmicky it gets it will carry over less to your sport or life . It also does not need to be long I've heard Kelly Starrett say repeatedly that this stuff should not take more than fifteen minutes max . What exercises are you doing ?
Here's a few that are simple and workSidelying Clam
Tall neeling holds
Single leg deadlift with k/b
My right glute offers very little stability and has affected development upstream and downstream. Hips are rotated laterally , quads on that side are visually imbalanced (much heavier inner bias) and it forces pronation of my foot. It stems from an old knee injury. The mind-muscle connection is actually fairly strong, there's just no power there. To the point where I feel like I can't target it with enough intensity to force change as the rest of the musculature takes over automatically as soon as it tires fractionally.
Motivation issue is probably because it *is*so little. I like lifting heavy weights, body weight and single leg stuff just doesn't feel like what I want to spend my time and energy on. I've had Starret's book for years and am currently doing single leg KB work and swings along with some specific mobility stuff. And although I know cognitively that this will allow me to pursue my goals and achieve at a higher level, that just isn't translating into action.
For those of you who've done rehab work before, how do you cope mentally? I've had to buy a car for work which means no more cycle commuting which means I can start smashing weights again. Yay! I've got a serious lack of activation in my right glute that's always hampered me and thought now's the perfect time to fix it but it's so, so hard to stick to a serious rehab plan. I've done horrendously high volume training plans before, Smolov, GVT and the like, but this is by far the toughest I've ever had to deal with motivation-wise and I'm skipping workouts or even daily bodyweight movements left right and centre. Any hints?