Just realised the list function on here reformatted everything in a slightly confusing way.
Issue 1, thud-dud-dud-da sound didn't go from the drag braking. Just in case, when I drove it I was cautious about braking.
The slight resistant feeling on the brakes remained.
@Bullheart - cheers. With the recent weather that was sort of my thought. I expected a combination of rust on the discs and just general road grime.
I have tried to be quite good at rinsing the car down after long drives on salty roads - not sure if it makes much difference though, but for the sake of 2mins with a hose...
Thought this might be the place to ask... the other evening my better half drove my car (BMW Mini) for the first time in over two weeks and two things cropped up that concerned her.
Issue 1: thud-dud-dud-da sound as the car moves slowly or slows down to a stop.
It seems to have gone, or at least greatly decreased. But I still want to know what it was. The problem didn’t go when I pumped the tyres up.
A quick search online threw up the suggestion that nylon-cord tyres (as opposed to steel) can have flat spots when cold. The tyres, Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde, were replaced in September - nothing online seems to confirm/deny what they are made with.
Any thoughts or ideas?
Issue 2: There is a dragging noise to the brakes – pretty sure it’s the rear discs, but hard to know for certain.
I feel confident the brakes work, and would have expected Kwickfit to have tried to sell me new brake pads in September if they were near wearing out.
Any tips on what I should be checking though as a check list?