If the car has been standing then there might have been climatic issues that would have altered the brakes; cold weather, excess standing in water/dripping water on calipers/discs, etc. usually linked to tiny changes/uneven disc wear; two weeks was more than enough for it to happen on motors at my old mans car yard, even on brand new vehicles. If it's decreasing over time that'll probably be it.
A wheel bearing would only really present itself at a relatively constant pace between two different speeds.
Alternatively she's run over a drummer who's sending an SOS.
If the car has been standing then there might have been climatic issues that would have altered the brakes; cold weather, excess standing in water/dripping water on calipers/discs, etc. usually linked to tiny changes/uneven disc wear; two weeks was more than enough for it to happen on motors at my old mans car yard, even on brand new vehicles. If it's decreasing over time that'll probably be it.
A wheel bearing would only really present itself at a relatively constant pace between two different speeds.
Alternatively she's run over a drummer who's sending an SOS.