• #27
peartree is hiring.. ha hah v good
• #28
I agree with John in that applying for the other job is a good idea.
BUT if you feel you are being screwed over get a job somewhere else. Unfortunately that's the way the world works. If it has gone sour for you move on would be my advice. I know there are lots of organisations looking for staff with good CPD experience. Use it. By the sound of it they don't appreciate you.
• #29
If you've been there less than a year I suspect you don't have any rights, regardless of the legal situation.
The threshold for constructive dismissal claims has been raised to 2 years.
just to be clear, you've been there less than 2 years? And are they asking you to sign new terms of employment, or just assigning you a "new" role?
To make a claim and be successful in an ET against an employer that employer has to have done something awfully wrong. Re-structuring under the banner of ETO (economical, technical or operational) is tantamount to them being able to do whatever the fuck they want (within reason). In your case Tanya they've done nothing wrong. If you want the other job apply for it. By all means raise objections and document those, if they continue to marginaise you then you'll begin to have a case but right now it's just bruised feelings.
The hard truth is that you are still gainfully employed, if that employment no longer suits you then you'll need to find an alternative outside of the GDC.
Sorry. I do this shit for a living, save your energy for finding another job would be my best advice to you.
he's right
I think they're using the restructure as a means to sidelining and removing unwanted staff without having to go through proper redundancy stuff.
unlikely. it's very easy to take this personally (it is, after all, very personal to you), to believe that a company restructure is being used as a replacement for poor people management. But usually, management is not that sophisticated, though it may be a beneficial side effect to prevent the workforce becoming stale.
more likely reason is that they're preparing for an IPO, or a demerger, or restructuring at management level. A large company is very hard to manage once it gets bigger than a certain size.
good luck with the situation. treat it as an opportunity to move on. And don't be bitter.
• #30
just to be clear, you've been there less than 2 years? And are they asking you to sign new terms of employment, or just assigning you a "new" role?
Yeah I've been here less than a year.
They don't appear to be asking me to sign new terms of employment, just changing my job so significantly I don't want to do it.
Anyway, having had a night to sleep on it I'm going to start looking at my options elsewhere.
chin up and all that :)
Thanks for the advice everyone.
• #31
Good luck T
• #32
Yeah I've been here less than a year.
[edit]...on it I'm going to start looking at my options elsewhere.
chin up and all that :)
Alas that is where you stand and your approach is the right one
• #33
• #34
Not sure, but I think HMRC are buggering them up: https://www.towerswatson.com/en-GB/Insights/Newsletters/Europe/UK-Corporate-and-Trustee-Briefing/2016/10/Will-HMRCs-proposed-changes-to-salary-sacrifice-affect-your-scheme
• #35
tell them you are black disabled lesbian and make it a discrimination case