Crisis averted. The split in the tube was narrower at the top, I'd just never checked it. I gently opened it with a screwdriver and once the post got past the top tough bit, it went in fine. It's 31.6 and the seller was just a numpty. I'm just glad it hasn't cracked.
This opens up a lot of possibilities now so I'm happy. I can finally sit on it haha
Crisis averted. The split in the tube was narrower at the top.
Thank fuck for that, that all I can think of.
Give it a good clean, look inside the seat tube etc. for any telltale sign, for all I know the seller must have been riding this like that for too long and create stress.
Crisis averted. The split in the tube was narrower at the top, I'd just never checked it. I gently opened it with a screwdriver and once the post got past the top tough bit, it went in fine. It's 31.6 and the seller was just a numpty. I'm just glad it hasn't cracked.
This opens up a lot of possibilities now so I'm happy. I can finally sit on it haha