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  • Got myself a Garmin Fenix 2, anyone else got one? Interested to hear what data fields people use when recording; swimming, running and cycling?

    @Dammit and @coldharbour had / have one I think.

    I have a fenix 3 - running I use pace, elapsed and HR. Cycling HR, Elapsed, Lap and Power (5s ave).

    I don't swim. I just sink.

  • Nice one, is pace your current running pace?
    For running I use -
    Time (same as elapsed i guess)
    Lap pace (each lap is 1km)

    What do you set you lap to for cycling? Do you not use average speed?
    I use:
    Avg speed

    Swimming was a bit strange, it records the lengths accurately but not sure about the timing with autopause etc.

    Edit: How do you find the Fenix 3?

  • Nice one, is pace your current running pace?

    Yep. For the current mile. I typically run the same routes so I know the distance. If I was doing a race - which I haven't for a long time - I'd use distance probably.

    What do you set you lap to for cycling? Do you not use average speed?

    I use lap for interval timing when training. I don't use average speed.

    Edit: How do you find the Fenix 3?

    I think it's the best Garmin product I've owned. It's never totally let me down, unlike all the others! Use it pretty much every day. Recommended.


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