except I didn't quite follow the last steps properly
i managed one glorious round of it working properly before i had to log out and do some work.
i was working on another computer and left the iMac to sleep - it restarted and now loops the process getting to just after the Windows loading screen before showing a weird blue block at the top of the screen before restarting again - 4 restarts and it offers me recovery mode for a serious error.
it did work absolutely fine for a few months then they did some bullshit update and now no go.
apple say it's up to amd, amd say it's up to apple - their forums have thousands of posts complaining and asking for a fix, each company says gtf.
in an effort to sort it myself I did something stupid just now:
except I didn't quite follow the last steps properly
i managed one glorious round of it working properly before i had to log out and do some work.
i was working on another computer and left the iMac to sleep - it restarted and now loops the process getting to just after the Windows loading screen before showing a weird blue block at the top of the screen before restarting again - 4 restarts and it offers me recovery mode for a serious error.
fucking fuck.