Other than wiki, think about what fabric softener can do for you.
It reeks.
It feels greasy.
It's unnecessary manufacture degrades the environment.
Do you have clothing made from technical fabrics? Don't let fabric softener anywhere near them.
It's a chemical soup that the company will be loathe to divulge the ingredients of.
If you're worried about static (that seems to be the other reason for it's invention) just hang your stuff to dry, clothing and linens feel better line dried (to me) anyway.
Thanks (and to @mespilus too). I haven't used it for years, I was just checking I hadn't made up it's uselessness while questioning someone's use of it and general #firstworldproblems on another internet platform.
Is fabric softener a scam? My searching just turns up Mumsnet posts so I'm obviously not putting the right words in the internet.