If you're planning to use the Airport Extreme as a router then you don't need the EdgeMax router.
There are basically three components:
Modem - takes in the signal from your phone line/fibre and converts it to a web connection and outputs an ethernet port.
Router - sends the traffic around the network, manages the address of everything that's connected, etc.
WiFi access point - allows devices to connect wirelessly and passes them on to the router.In most cases the box from the ISP does all three (not that well).
Something like an Airport Extreme does the router and wi-fi bit.
An EdgeRouterX just does the router bit
A Unifi AP (favourite of this forum) just does the wi-fi bitIf you have internet through your phone line you can probably (I wouldn't guarantee it) replace the ISP box with one of these http://www.broadbandbuyer.com/store/modems/adsl-modems/ and plug the Airport Extreme into it.
If you're on fibre I'm not sure if you have an alternative to the stock ISP box put into modem mode.
The modem is a real bottleneck. I went from 13ish to 78 just by moving off the modem supplied by the ISP. I also didnt want to have 2 boxes... So ridiculous.
Ive now used the old router to make an access point which is physically connected to the new router modem which will be placed upstairs covering both floors. Im using this method as i have a spare router or 2 lying around free.
As mentioned, you can actually use the wires in the house as access points as well using powerline adaptors. Which i think is quite cool! best in 2017?