Metal option: https://www.shapeways.com/product/3TB9N9NS2/coffee-grinder-bit-for-drill-driver-cdp-l?optionId=41895157
Plastic Print-It-Yourself option: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:545446
A possible bodge option with bonus security skewers for your bike: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Trans-X-Security-Release-Silver-Skewer/dp/B000XD019E
Cheers man. Just out of interest is a battery powered drill powerful enough?
I thought of those security skewers, but couldn't see a decent way of adapting them to the drill. Well not a way that would last/be worth it. That metal option is perfect. Fuck knows why they don't make them hex. Maybe to stop people using a drill?
And you can get these where? Clearly my google-fu is weak.