All very virtuous but this is exactly the kind of liberal thought policing that has paralysed the left. It's to do with maintaining the moral high ground yes? To avoid being called a hypocrit? I will mock him however I see fit using my own standards and if it has more impact because it's uncensored then all the better. His appearance is absolutely up for grabs. His ludicrous combover and spray tan are signs of vain and deluded man. I wouldn't call him fat but I might say bloated because that also hints at his appalling bloviating bullshit artistry.
Melania deserves derision too, she is a fully grown adult. Her grasp of English is pathetic given the many years she has lived in the U.S., and her image comes into play (only) in as much as she has trophy wife written all over her. I pity her, but she's either stupid or an arsehole. She and Ivanka have obviously had tons of plastic surgery and that says something about Trump and his world. To notice the evident superficially is not unfair.
Part of the problem with the criticism I've seen and heard of Trump over the last year or whatever has been that it gets way to hung up on detail. Yes, he's said some diabolical shit but that's because he is a very nasty and possible mentally unhealthy individual. He doesn't seem to give much thought to the offensive crap he utters, so I'm not going to get hung up on the detail of it. To constantly refer back to the Mexican rapist comment, the pussy grabbing comment, the disabled person mocking is in a way to take what he says too seriously. It's not even worthy of analysis.
His vacuous, vindictive, narcissistic, bigoted, lying, self-contradicting character is evident in almost everything he says, even just his manner. He exposes himself at every turn, it's uncanny. As many have already observed, any one of his comments might have been enough to disqualify anyone else's candidacy, but it's come so thick and fast that it's been impossible to keep up let alone hold him accountable. Shock and awe. Criticisms of him should focus on his fundamental impulses, not the wording of some throwaway nonsense he said over a year ago, gross as it may have been. It's just not effective.
the kind of liberal thought policing that has paralysed the left.
I'd argue that the left is also paralysed by it's snobbery. For example the criticisms of Melania's lack of eloquence plays up to the Trump voters' view of the left as elitist snobs. And the penis size stuff, well, you're at the level of Ted Cruz on that, not good company.
While I think this list I reposted made some good points, however, I've no intention of trying to police anyone. I posted because it raises something worth discussing, not because I'm trying to tell anyone what to do. Alot of the Trump cartoons I've enjoyed focus on all of these things; they're funny.
Someone posted this on my FB, some good points I thought.
"Things NOT to do when criticising Trump:
—Make fun of his body (body-shaming), incl.
—making fun of his fatness, present him in illustrations as fatter than in real life as if this is a sign of evil, or in any way related to what is wrong about him (fatphobia)
—Make fun of the size of his penis ("It Uses the [deeply patriarchal and toxic] Idea That Someone Isn’t ‘Manly Enough’ As an Insult," is transphobic, and body essentialism: JUST STOP. See article below)
—Make fun of his small hands (wtf? Can we all take a moment to see this one stems from the popular idea that size of hands reflects size of penis? See above. STOP.)
—Make fun of his ability to have sex, whether he has sex, or what kind of sex he has p r o v i d e d i t i s c o n s e n s u a l (misses the point, and decentres the actual issue here: the rape/sexual assault allegations & his openly rapey ideology)
—Say "Pussy grabs back":
What is it that we are grabbing exactly? (Rape Culture; not how this works)
—Make fun of Melania's accent / eloquence (xenophobia, classism), or focus on her appearance (misogyny, femmephobia) or overtly sexual photoshoots she has done in the past (slut-shaming, SWERF); Melania is not the problem here: centring her again misses the point. Stop treating her like an object that is attached to him, which the exact objectification/dehumanisation that you seem to oppose when it comes from him."