Comparing batteries with dynamo is kinda what I'm trying to do. I may need to replace current Lezyne 1500 battery light and am thinking about whether a dynamo is financially feasible. Money's tight so I need to consider total immediate spend rather than value over time.
The B&M range had caught my eye, thanks for reinforcing that they're a safe option.
Comparing batteries with dynamo is kinda what I'm trying to do. I may need to replace current Lezyne 1500 battery light and am thinking about whether a dynamo is financially feasible.
Dynamo straight off the bat, is very expensive, but it paid itself the more you use it.
Battery are cheap, but you need to charge it twice, maybe three time a months.
What do you mean Exposure money? as in their battery powered light?
You can't compare apple and pear, dynamo and battery are two different thing, dynamo aren't cheap, but the fact you won't need to charge the lights anymore, and no need to worry about the battery running out, outweight the cheaper cost of the Exposure.
Look in the dynamo topic, there's a lots more information for you there.