I don't think you need to ring Wittgenstein just yet, Fox's position is only made possible by conflating English people with Scottish people out of some hereditary sense of dominion in the first instance, then adding just a smidgen more of patronising contempt for the very notion that they might think their own national and social identity could ever possibly deviate from the London-centric, Southern Counties dominated politics that shits on the rest of England, Northerners, Pakis and Wogs, Poles, Gypos and 'them folks with a funny accent' just as freely as it does the Scots, or god forbid even the Welsh or Irish.
Every time Fox posts about Scottish Nationalism the Universe lols into its rosehip tea at a man with less sense and more hot air than a flatulent brewery horse.
I don't think you need to ring Wittgenstein just yet, Fox's position is only made possible by conflating English people with Scottish people out of some hereditary sense of dominion in the first instance, then adding just a smidgen more of patronising contempt for the very notion that they might think their own national and social identity could ever possibly deviate from the London-centric, Southern Counties dominated politics that shits on the rest of England, Northerners, Pakis and Wogs, Poles, Gypos and 'them folks with a funny accent' just as freely as it does the Scots, or god forbid even the Welsh or Irish.
Every time Fox posts about Scottish Nationalism the Universe lols into its rosehip tea at a man with less sense and more hot air than a flatulent brewery horse.