... Your own views represent a far more smug, insidious nationalism than anything Nicola Sturgeon has ever uttered.
To put it in a more local dialect 'if you think you're smelling shite it's because your nose is too close to your own arsehole pal' and if you can't make any sense of it it's probably because you've been raised in the comfortable belief that Britain or UK is just another way of saying 'English'
I wouldn't waste your time with Fox tbh-he has a sister somewhere in Scotland so thinks he's the resident expert on all things Scottish Nationalism because of a few anecdotes.
Nationalism is reflected in the existence of well, Nations, of which there are many and Scotland already is one, and has been for some 1500 years. Its political Union with Great Britain is proving to be to the disadvantage of its residents, so they're naturally questioning why being in that Union should be continued when it doesn't reflect their political or social ecology and has economically ensured it is kept in a state of dependency.
It doesn't come down to racism or dislike of 'the English'; it's about the desire to be self-determined and to be able to say things like 'we think the EU is a good thing, we still want to be members' and have that respected, or, 'Tories are greedy exploitative cunts, lets not have them treat us like a weekend Grouse-moor for them and their buddies to saunter to and fro whilst stymieing any regional development on that land'.
Too complicated for some to comprehend, obviously, but then I'm probably speaking out of turn and should return to my traditional Colonial place downstairs with the servants.