there may not be a compulsion to refinance at the end of a fixed rate period, but you would have to be mentally retarded to go from a 1.59pc deal to a 3.99pc SVR and want to do nothing about it.
the problem Donald Loin is going to have, is he is spending 800k on a house which may well be worth 100k less than that in 3 years time. He will get stiffed on his valuation and he will get stiffed on the deal he can get which is critical when you are talking about a mortgage balance which I presume will be at or around the 500k mark.
we aren't talking about shitty 50k houses in leeds or wherever which is probably what you deal with - this is big boys stuff.
still whatever, its your life, and his.
I think you misunderstand the nature of mortgage deals. There is no compulsion to refinance at the end of a fixed rate period, nor can the bank pull the mortgage if they don't like the LTV. In a professional capacity I work for a firm that purchases high volumes of sub performing and non performing mortgages so I have some experience of this. One of the biggest problems we have is with borrowers that continue to pay but are seriously underwater on LtV - we can't do anything to get our hands on the property and have to wait!
I bought my own property in 2013, I paid almost 50% more than the previous owner paid for it in 2005. However, when my mortgage is paid off (in 2038!) I could sell the property for half what I paid (the true value?) away and still be up versus having rented the same property for 25 years.
House prices and the value of your equity in the property are highly volatile, we know this. But you can always just live in it, as long as you can afford the monthly repayments at any probable level of interest rates. Your point on margin calls is plain wrong for PDH docs.