Tell us more about the tolerance element? The gagging clause was voted in by SNP members to ensure their parties policies and values are upheld. It stops their MP's undermining their colleagues or contradicting them. It creates a coherent message for the public. Which is something you don't see down South. Different MP's in the same party saying wildly different things all the time.
As for the ID cards they proposed to combine your ni number, your hmrc tax reference number, your council tax number, your bus pass number and your nhs number.
There were fears that they could have been accessed inappropriately so it's kind of being put on the back burner. I could probably do some reading but I can't be arsed.
The gagging clause was voted in by SNP members to ensure their parties policies and values are upheld. It stops their MP's undermining their colleagues or contradicting them. It creates a coherent message for the public. Which is something you don't see down South. Different MP's in the same party saying wildly different things all the time.
Do you actually believe that? You sound like you've just swallowed a set of brand guidelines or something!
On balance I think I'd rather have elected representatives who are free to voice their own opinions.
Call me old fashioned.
(I think you're right by the way and they've quietly ditched the database. Although they should have learnt from the wider UK ID card debacle).
I don't think I have. Did you read the two pages prior to your post? I'd love to believe that's true but...
Freedom: An integrated ID database with everyone given their own Unique Citizen Reference Number?
Tolerance: Gagging rules on their own MPs? A 'you're either with us or against us' attitude which is creating divisions within families?
Equality: Failing to name a single redistributive policy?