If in England, I may have ended voting LibDems (even though their leader is anti legal abortion, fuckwit) over the Greens...for strategic reasons (both are anti Brexit but Greens attract very votes, cos idiot policies, the NI greens are very good and more science based)
Tcha, what's even worse to me is not the cover, it's all the idiots who can't wait to get out even though they've been warned about the risks over and over and over... I just don't know how to make clear bypassing parliament sets a very dangerous precedent and that a lot of what they want can be done in the EEC.
I gave up...
OK thanks for the info, but that's not the view I have from various people.
I have heard they are not as social as claimed to be.
But then we are back to nationalism done wrong, and what is May doing atm...?
How can you keep the UK, as a nation, together and not fall pray to nationalism done wrong?