Pompetamine hack where you create a second set of sliding dropouts that the disc caliper mounts to. (but with a hacky narrow 122mmOLN 5 speed hub)
@Hulsroy did a similar thing with his old Pomp (disc caliper mounted behind stay) https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/251089/
Sounds as though he cold set rear spacing to 145mm (from 120mm, to accommodate a 135mm hub and the sliders).
I imagine between both those examples there's a solution that fits what you're talking about ... for example you could get away with going from 135 -> ~142mmOLN (assuming 6mm plate sliders and a 130mmOLN hub).
All look good/better than what I am facing with the pompetamine commuter, hopefully having sorted a new chain it should not require touching for at least another 6 months. On the plus side I have decided to stop commuting with a tool kit as I am not going to be doing this roadside.
Considering options to get to a better situation, cheapest is perhaps ditching the rear brake and running a fixed hub (never tried fixed so could be fun, Nottingham is however quite hilly in places, though not my commute), more expensive being to have new drop outs welded in (~£100 cost similar to pomp frame price, seems a bit mad) or new frame/bike, either the commuter or downgrade my nice bike to ss (with an ebb) and buy a new 'best' bike...I suspect I will just persevere, luckily I have been very lucky with punctures/vittoria randonneurs are amazing?