• Wheres this from? 2001?

    Airport express is very much like Google cast thing... to be honest, if I wasn't so Apple product based I would prob go for Google cast instead.

    I have one Extreme and one Express. The Extreme is connected to my router and provides wifi (routers is switched off) and I have a USB HDD plugged into it providing wireless back ups of my iMac and the wifes MacBook Pro.

    My Airport express is in my living room connected to my Hifi so I can stream from any Device.

    It's all pretty seamless and easy.

  • chromecast mother fucka!
    and chromecast audio!

    (im only being objectionable since youre being confrontational)

    I have no idea where its from... I just googled it. Thats what came up. Its a little white box that only works with other certain white boxes to push magik through the air to make speakers work using magnets.

  • Ha, I didn't mean to be confrontational, sorry, I thought we were having "mad bantz", but I can see how it could read as confrontational...

    But you're spot on with the white boxes!
