Annoyingly no... although you don't need 2.
The Extreme connects decides (printers and drives) and creates or extends a Wifi network.
The Express just plugs into hifis to play audio, works on any network, you can plug a printer int out too (I have just found out) but not a drive.... gone up to £100 bloody quid now though! Could have sworn they were only about 40-60 when I bought mine. Should prob be asking for more than £25 for my spare.
Wheres this from? 2001?
Airport express is very much like Google cast thing... to be honest, if I wasn't so Apple product based I would prob go for Google cast instead.
I have one Extreme and one Express. The Extreme is connected to my router and provides wifi (routers is switched off) and I have a USB HDD plugged into it providing wireless back ups of my iMac and the wifes MacBook Pro.
My Airport express is in my living room connected to my Hifi so I can stream from any Device.
It's all pretty seamless and easy.