It was a pretty random event. Then got caught behind the crank.
Anyways. Shit happens^- its an area where there's a fucktonne of carbon probably. Bikes are for riding. It was fucking sensational out today.
Other news, though it claims to take a 36T inner, it only barely does so, sadly a 34T will have to arrive.
@hoops @ThePeginator. Yes. Because, it was one of the simpler solutions. (BB386 evo nightmares).
^I literally break everything. Ask @6pt. And I mean everything I own- it just happens.
It was a pretty random event. Then got caught behind the crank.
Anyways. Shit happens^- its an area where there's a fucktonne of carbon probably. Bikes are for riding. It was fucking sensational out today.
Other news, though it claims to take a 36T inner, it only barely does so, sadly a 34T will have to arrive.
@hoops @ThePeginator. Yes. Because, it was one of the simpler solutions. (BB386 evo nightmares).