On the Bianchi you've linked, there's no spacers under the stem, and using the pista stem means that the handlebars could be placed lower. Note though, that the bars are still level. Note also that this same amount of drop could be achieved with a regular ol 17° stem and drop bars rather than bullhorns.
And yea, it does look awful in both examples, though that's simply my opinion. And angles of bars and saddle absolutely matter in terms of rider comfort, so I'm not quite sure why you're so quick to dismiss that.
Wheels: lots of options. Fixed/free hubs are pretty common, as are rims with machined brake surfaces. Mavic Open Pros are pretty common, as are Velocity rims of many varieties. I believe H+ Son rims can basically all be used with rim brakes as well, though don't quote me on that.
Oh, I've got your point. The ideea was from Bianchi Super Pista, which wasn't a bad idea at first sight.
About the red nipples and complete black wheels, was a nice touch. I will try a shot in Photoshop. I wanted pista wheels because the full black wheel, looks very nice. I have a new pair of Cosmic Elite which I could used them, but I wanted to exchange/ sell this Cosmics for Pistard wheels set + Miche crank or Ellipse, because of the rear road bike hub.
And yes, two brakes, indeed.
"That setup looks horrible. Both aesthetically and ergonomically. " I am sorry, but I don't see so many differences. Indeed, the saddle is not at an good angle, bullhorn too, but other than stem and crank, the bikes still looks pretty much the same. Anyway, was only an exemple, I don't try to copy that design. The frame will be hand painted or Ford GT look like (some stripes)
Any suggestions for a wheelset with brake tracks and a strada/pista hub? Thanks!