To be honest I just re-read what I wrote, and realised that I was not talking about Berlin as a whole (not possible), but about the kind of people I'm surrounded with generally (with a level of tolerance / live-and-let-live above average I guess).
It is true however, that you can get vegan food very easily compared to other cities, and often it's very affordable.
Let's all move to Berlin
Not exactly sure why I read those comments but I just did.
To be honest - here in Berlin I've never found it a problem to be vegan whatsoever.
And I mean both the issue of finding places that offer yummy vegan food (there's another one opening like every second day, also even the cheapo discounter supermarkets offer a lot of vegan products now - it's amazing what has happened in the last years when it comes to this!), as well as the "conflict" with people that do eat meat - it's hardly ever a problem.
So reading those comments somewhat baffled me.
I guess I'm so used to a way of handling of the situation where (more or less) everyone is doing as they please - and it's respected.