I'd been using SLRs since I was 15 and made the jump to rangefinders a couple of years back - I'd ended up using just a 50mm lens all the time and found the size/hassle of SLR was annoying.
I have a few Yashica rangefinders but have really grown to love zone focus (minox, yashica, Konica) - mostly due to size and immediacy.
SLRs are good if you want to use focal lengths outside the 30-50mm range or dedicate flash units etc - horses for courses really.
Is anyone on here using a Rangefinder camera rather than a SLR?
I've been using an old Fed 3 and love it so far, along with an Olympus trip. I'm not sure if my next purchase should be a higher spec Rangefinder or if I should make the jump to SLR.