keto' or 'fat adaptation' diets.
I know little about it but keep meaning to look into it. Didn't Josh ibbet do it the year he won TCR? And Juliana Buhring is into it.
Based on zero knowledge, I sort of feel it might work better for ultra endurance rather than for explosive / high speed stuff.
If you do it, you can't drink beer so it's a bit extreme.
"That said, I did experiment with carbohydrates a little. I taught my body to burn fat even when carbs weren't readily available"
He seemed to eat a lot of pastries.
Thing is, your body is burning fat most of the time anyway. Fat-adapted or not. If you take my blood values when I was tested back when I was having DVT issues I was considered to be very efficient fat burner even though I raced and trained entirely on carbs.
Have a look at Louise Burke's research:
I wouldn't race on any 'keto' or 'fat adaptation' diets. They just don't work when performance is required above and beyond the weight loss they might offer.
Most of the fat-adapted anecdotes are bullshit too - look at their diets and there's tonnes of carbs in them. Rice and a rugby team spring to mind.