the proportion of cyclists RLJing has reduced
yes with mass cycling come changes...
The proportion of helmet wearers is up
The proportion of right filtering cyclists is up
The proportion of fixie skidderz is down
The proportion of universal/apollo mtbs is down
The proportion of day glo wears is up
and general cycle skills have improved
I'm glad it's not just me feeling that way.
I think the next big hurdle for cycling numbers is getting bikes back onto trains as a normal sight so those who live further away won't see it as drive door-door or train+tube but train+ride. That or decent bike parking with cctv/security at the more major stations.
Hope the next tube strike is on a day with good weather, more likely to convert people.
I was just contemplating this. Based purely on my non-scientific observation I would say the proportion of cyclists RLJing has reduced as numbers have increased across the years. But today and yesterday it seemed a lot more people were jumping.
Now for the speculation...
There were many more people on bikes due to the strike and I wonder if the increase in RLJers come mainly from those new cyclists. And if they do is there an argument that all those lazy "I've nothing against cyclists but..." articles in the press are giving new cyclists "permission" to break the rules? I mean, if you repeatedly tell people that all cyclists behave as if they are above the law, and the public take up that viewpoint, then won't the public, when they try cycling, act in that way?