Gents, I recently bought a little HTPC case in an effort to build a machine to run Kodi for my folks. I've assembled most of the parts but still need a video card with HDMI port, so can anyone recommend one or have an old one for sale please? I imagine just a basic one will be fine, and ideally a model without a fan as I'd like to keep the machine as quiet as possible, thanks in advance.
Yeah it'll only be used for Kodi, possibly a bit of internet surfing.... what would you recommend, a Kodi box, Raspberry Pi perhaps? Just struck me if going down the HDMI videocard route then it'll have to support audio over the HDMI port, although I expect they all do that these days?
Gents, I recently bought a little HTPC case in an effort to build a machine to run Kodi for my folks. I've assembled most of the parts but still need a video card with HDMI port, so can anyone recommend one or have an old one for sale please? I imagine just a basic one will be fine, and ideally a model without a fan as I'd like to keep the machine as quiet as possible, thanks in advance.