Fair enough, I had another look and the UN-72 is one of the old design where both cup are not fixed to the body.
I think the UN55 is the replacement of the UN-72 (the UN-26 have a plastic non driveside cup), the newer Shimano threaded bottom bracket nowadays have an intergrated cup on the driveside.
Was it not that UN-7x was like xt/xtr lever with the metal n/d cup, un-5x was the deore/lx type spec one and the un-2x is fairly recent and much lower budget (so presumably poorer quality addition to the lineup?
I thought the un-7x series stopped being produced when square taper went out of favour so we are now left to choose btween the 5x and 2x series.
I honestly have no idea but I was hoping that someone would know something about it.
I just had a very good experience with that particular component and felt like sharing :D