I am keen on Seven. The ones I've seen look great, the ones I've ridden felt great, and I trust that the framebuilders Cycle Fit work with will translate the characteristics of the ride I want into the bike rather than just the fit measurements.
Kualis look interesting, but it doesn't look like he's made many thru-axle's yet. Looks interesting enough to follow though. I bet in a year or two his work is even more incredible.
You seem pretty keen on Seven, but just to throw one more into the mix, I always liked the look of Kualis frames - the builder worked at Seven for several years amongst others before going solo, then moving back to Japan recently (so prices now in ¥ not $). Detail and paint are amazing. Not sure if he has a partner in London currently.
Site: http://kualis.cc/
Photo blog: http://builderslife.blogspot.com/
Faffbook: https://www.facebook.com/kualiscycles/