• Can anyone help me out, I need a new set of in ear headphones I had soundmagic e10 but wasn't overly impressed with them.
    Looking for something that has good clarity and not overly bassy but good breadth and not tinny. That will be good for riding and tube journeys.
    Anything better in the same price bracket?
    I Keep on breaking them so need to good value.

  • I'd recommend Soundmagic PL50. Not too bassy, great clarity (as they're balanced armature), they've held up being shoved in their little faux-leather pouch in my pocket or my bag for ages.

    Used to be able to pick them up for £30ish from AliExpress (genuine, they're a Chinese brand) but seems like they're closer to £40 or £50 these days.

  • The reviews from various sources seems a bit hit and miss for those.
    A tad too expensive to gamble as I would like them quick so a UK based retailer is a better option.
    Some people are saying that they are no better the e10.
    Any other suggestions and volume and mic remote would be good too.
