i'm wondering how transferable the operations are - lets say there's a CNC design that produces something that I want.
What format would these come in - plain text? Or are they too complex to be useful in plaintext. Or is it a proprietary format?
Assuming I got a hold of a particular set of operations - could I hand this over to somebody (with CNC experience) and have them make me the same thing?
My understanding is that machining an item is a series of operations - rotate tool head at x-speed, move tool head x-mm in x-direction, stop, move in y-direction for y-mm etc etc.
CNC machines allow you to enter these operations programatically so the machine will perform them in order, ending with your item (if you got the program right) or some scrap metal (if you got it wrong).
There is an option on some manual mills to attach a CNC controller - if you perform the same series of operations over and over this is a big timesaver.