If I start looking on ebay
How big is the room you're putting them in? Your bedroom you said, right?
If it isn't huge and you're going to be limited in placement I wouldn't overthink it.
The Eltax ones I said me and my mates all had were these:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Eltax-Monitor-III-Stereo-Speakers-Given-5-Stars-by-What-Hi-Fi-/142230768942?hash=item211d9d4d2e:g:11oAAOSw2xRYaTIACompleted listings suggest they should be £20-40.
Richer Sounds used to sell tonnes of these little JBL bookshelf speakers which I remember being decent enough, so I'm sure they'd be cheap.
I'm sure you could find some amazing floor standing speakers that would be better, but unless you're pairing with all the right stuff you won't get max performance.
I'd just start a search with geographic location and end date. The a bit of what hi-fi searching to check they're ok.
If it's part of a bigger set up, then ignore all that ^ .
youtube give me this
... Its an SMSL amp playing the eltax 3s... looks good -
So I have just plugged my new old Eltax monitors that I won at £18 and they're in amazing nick.
They are great. They're missing the heavy oomph on the low end but for £18 they're absolutely stunning.
Is there a way to artificially accentuate the low end? Will speaker stands help?
I've realised I now need a bigger amp as the little SMSL is about 20w rms lower. Never ending!
If I start looking on ebay, whats a good couple brands and some bulk fleabay shit brands?