Buy a bottle of plusgas and soak it, heating the seat tube and if possible, cooling the seatpost at the same time will free it.
But plus gas and a vice should do it. Otherwise get an old saddle to don't mind bending and clamp it tight. Wedge between two immovable objects and use the leverage of the whole frame to twist
Apparently the man at the bike shop has tried using frame as a levarage. Also probably doesn't help that i haven't got a vice!
I'll think of alternative...
Buy a bottle of plusgas and soak it, heating the seat tube and if possible, cooling the seatpost at the same time will free it.
But plus gas and a vice should do it. Otherwise get an old saddle to don't mind bending and clamp it tight. Wedge between two immovable objects and use the leverage of the whole frame to twist