Did a window licker, fitted my rear tyre the wrong direction!
So had to take it off and re fit this afternoon.
But jesus, M7RR are so easy to get on and off, not like sportsmart2. All that time i've struggled with the ss2. No more! tyres are so easy to fit. Took me 10mins to get it off and on again.
I hate that - recently fitted two new off road tyres, with bead locks, the wrong way round and remounted them on the bike before I noticed. Much swearing.
Did a window licker, fitted my rear tyre the wrong direction!
So had to take it off and re fit this afternoon.
But jesus, M7RR are so easy to get on and off, not like sportsmart2. All that time i've struggled with the ss2. No more! tyres are so easy to fit. Took me 10mins to get it off and on again.