Not immediately obvious why 5squad TM is a 'truer' team sport to me. Why is a longer game going to be a more engaging game? Seems very organiser driven - presumably less matches per tournament/less teams to arrange? In a typical squad tournament do the same numbers of overall players attend/participate or more or less than previous formats? Can't immediately see how the UK can accommodate with the current state of polo activity. Selecting the UK 5squad/s will be challenging. Bigger squads commiting to global travel is but one challenge. Presumably the team members have all to be the same nationality/national residency at WHBPC?
Not immediately obvious why 5squad TM is a 'truer' team sport to me. Why is a longer game going to be a more engaging game? Seems very organiser driven - presumably less matches per tournament/less teams to arrange? In a typical squad tournament do the same numbers of overall players attend/participate or more or less than previous formats? Can't immediately see how the UK can accommodate with the current state of polo activity. Selecting the UK 5squad/s will be challenging. Bigger squads commiting to global travel is but one challenge. Presumably the team members have all to be the same nationality/national residency at WHBPC?