• Greetings all and happy post-Xmas,

    After a heavy fall and some colourful brusing, I've rendered my Velo Orange Porteur Bars decidedly narrower, albeit only on the right side (alas, not the left side - sorry Snoop!). It is with this setback that I appeal to my fellow LFGSS'ers, if anyone has a set of Porteur, Townie or Swept back bars for sale, I'm truly interested in potentially purchasing 'em; I would however require that you post them, being that I'm dwelling far from London's-famous -London.

    ● Width: 50cm or less.
    ● Clamp: 25.4mm is preferable, I would consider 31.8mm should the bars be suitable.
    ● Grip area/Lever Compatibility: 22.2mm

    Give us a shout if you think you've got a set to offer, I'll consider any pair.

    Thanks in advance, one and all.
