Spent a couple of hours after work this evening converting mine, just need a longer stem (120-130mm 25.4mm preferably black Thomson/ritchey/syncros/salsa if anyone has) and a pizza rack.
Rides like a new bike, shifting is Incomparable, so much improved, and brakes are liveable (kept the stock promax with some avid V levers). Photos to follow.
I'm using a 140mm Ritchey in 25.4. It was a chain reaction bargain a couple years ago. Worth having a look online as it was £5 or something silly. Salsa would be nice though.
Spent a couple of hours after work this evening converting mine, just need a longer stem (120-130mm 25.4mm preferably black Thomson/ritchey/syncros/salsa if anyone has) and a pizza rack.
Rides like a new bike, shifting is Incomparable, so much improved, and brakes are liveable (kept the stock promax with some avid V levers). Photos to follow.